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    Indigo Environmental Ltd

Indigo chats to… Karpa Engineering Solutions

Here at Indigo Environmental, we’re passionate about sustainable and localised plastic recycling. That’s why we work closely with our clients to understand their individual requirements.

But don’t just take our word for it! Here, Karl Parker – MD and owner of Karpa Engineering Solutions – explains more about the business and what it’s really like working with us…

1. Tell us a bit about your company We are a Lancashire-headquartered engineering firm that provides a comprehensive service to install, repair, improve, and remove machinery. Karpa Engineering Solutions started out as a one-man-band – just me doing what I loved – and has since steadily grown to employ a select, experienced team of staff. We are going from strength to strength, and I’m very proud of how much we have expanded since our humble beginnings in my garage.

2. Describe what your company does in one sentence: We take the stress away from any engineering problems and dilemmas that our customers may have and get them back up and running as soon as possible.

3. When did you first start working with Indigo? In April 2018, when we supplied and built one of Indigo’s first plastic recycling lines.

4. And in what capacity? To provide, construct, and install machinery.

5. Why did you decide to partner with Indigo? Indigo’s values and growth plans resonated with our own, and I knew that Karpa would be a great fit for a long-term partnership, as a result.

6. Explain in three words what it’s like working with the team: Interesting, stimulating, and rewarding.

7. What is one of the biggest waste management challenges facing the plastic recycling sector? From experience, some of the biggest challenges are finding passionate and knowledgeable staff – and retaining those individuals – who have expertise in this area. It’s a complex industry, so you need the right team, with the appropriate skills and experience, all working towards a common goal together.

8. In your opinion, what role does (or should) plastic recycling play in a circular economy? It should play a huge role in enabling the re-use of existing plastic, to decrease the amount of material going to landfill and the volume of new plastics being added into circulation

9. And what are your hopes for the future of the plastic recycling industry? That we can help recyclers to achieve their growth plans and increase the percentage of plastics going through these companies, to help combat the ever-increasing problem of single-use plastic pollution.

10. What advice would you give to other businesses looking for a sustainable plastic recycler? Ensure to do your due diligence on the companies your considering working with to make sure you end up with a reputable recycler that conforms to all the industry regulations.

If you’d like to take part in our client Q&A series, please contact our PR representative, Amy Lloyd via amy@scribapr.com.